Meet the 2024 EHIS graduates.

Congratulations  to our grade 9, grade 6 and KG 2 heroes and heroines. We are very proud of you .May the Good Lord continue to watch over each one of you as you move to the next academic chapter of your lives. Cheers to greater heights. The 2024 EHIS Graduation  and Speech and prize giving ceremony  took place on Friday,  2nd August, 2024.


We are excited to announce the inclusion of Cadet Corps to our portfolio of extra curricular activities. Our aim is to inculcate in our learners self-discipline, confidence, resilience, respect, team spirit, physical fitness, and alertness.

The EHIS Cadet Corp displayed gallantry during our 2024 Graduation, Speech and Prize giving day ceremony.




Dance enhances one’s muscle tone, strength, endurance and aids in fitness. It also helps reduce stress and anxiety.  Our learners gracefully displayed  varying dance styles; ballet, choreography, and African traditional dance during the EHIS 2024 graduation and speech and prize giving ceremony.


African traditional dance




Again, our learners demonstrated their devotion and love for this activity during the 2024 EHIS graduation.

Taekwondo is a South Korean martial art which involves acrobatic  kicks and graceful punches to help in self defense.