Eastern Heroes International School


We offer the following extra curricula activities to help broaden the scope of our learners and enable them to acquire a new set of skills


An aspect of Science, technology and engineering, where students are allowed to design and construct robots that can basically perform tasks for humans. Learners who partake in this programme are expected to bring along their learning tools and equipment.

Writers & Debaters Club

Learners are given the opportunity to express themselves through writing of stories, poems, plays and many others. Critical topics are given out for students to debate on. This practice helps boosts the confidence of the learners as well as enable them read more and acquire more vocabularies.


Universal Concept of Mental 1.1 Arithmetic System (UCMAS), as the name suggests aims at stimulating a learner's brain activity. This course helps to improve a learner's mental abilities like; thinking, calculating, observing, listening, visualizing imagining, and memorizing. It also helps a learner to develop a higher concentration level.


This is a form of art that is portrayed through music and dance. Mostly a story or theme is conveyed. Ballet teaches discipline, concentration and creativity.


Researchers have discovered that Music plays a vital role in the growth process of children. Music helps learners to relax, reduce pain, and be more creative. It also helps the in the development of a child's left brain, helps improve a child's memorization, enhances Math skills, improve a child's focus, helps a child discover his or her career path, and improves performance.

Drama & Culture Club

Drama is a fictional and non-fictional events or stories displayed through acts or performances where dialogues, dance, music are used. In drama and culture club, learners get to learn various cultures in the country.


This is a Korean form of Martial Arts where a learner gets to learn self-defense. It helps in building discipline and confidence in a learner.


A hand working skill that helps a earner create beautiful designs and art works with the use of needle and threads.

Our Anchor

“Train up a child the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

Our Mission

We exist to provide holistic education in a safe, conducive and enabling environment that inculcates in each child a set of basic life skills and strong moral values through a well-structured curriculum.

Our Vision

To see each child grow up be Responsible, Productive and Godly adult by providing excellent holistic education.

Our Core Values






