Eastern Heroes International School


Our aim is to see each child in EHIS enjoy a holistic education in a safe, conducive, and supportive environment. To achieve this noble aim, we need rules and regulations to guide the conduct of all learners. Below are the key policies:

Dress Code:

Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays: School Uniform (Eastern Heroes branded fabric top and gray pair of shorts, trousers or dress) worn with white socks and black shoes.

Wednesdays: Eastern Heroes branded Polo shirts with blue/black jeans skirt or trousers. Footwear: any nice sneakers or leather sandals.(Colour of Polo shirts: Creche, KG & Primary- Blue; JHS- Gray).

Fridays: Eastern Heroes branded P.E Attire with white socks and white sneakers/loafers.

NB: School Uniform fabrics (both branded and gray), branded Polo- shirts and branded P.E attire are all available at the school for sale. Parents are expected to take note of these dress codes and ensure that learners adhere to them strictly.

Attendance & Punctuality:

Absenteeism and lateness are frowned upon by the School. School starts at 7:00am and closes at 4:00pm each day. All Learners are expected to report at the school before 7:00am and stay in until 4:00pm when school closes. It is compulsory for Learners to attend every class session and chosen club meetings. Social gatherings such as morning assembly, sports time and devotion time are all compulsory. Every Learner is to attend these gatherings. If a Learner would be absent from School or late in coming to School, the parents are to make the Teachers or the Principal aware of it.

Disrespect & Insubordination:

All Learners of Eastern International Heroes School are required to be polite and show respect to all persons in the school i.e. Teachers, Non-teaching staff, the Principal, Directors, Seniors, peers, juniors as well as all visitors to the school. Any Learner caught or reported to have shown disrespect or insubordination to any authority will be severely sanctioned.


Bullying in any form or shape is prohibited in the school. Learners are to desist from teasing or harassing or using violent language on fellow learners. We are a multi- cultural, multi-racial, and multi- religious School with Learners from varied socio-economic backgrounds. Learners are taught and are required to demonstrate tolerance and care for each other.


Fighting is prohibited in the school. Any Learner caught fighting will be sanctioned severely. Learners are taught to settle issues through dialogue or report any conflicts they have with each other to their class teachers or Principal or the Director. Friendliness is a virtue that is actively promoted in the School.

Sexual Harassment:

Sexual harassment is prohibited in the school. Learners are taught their body parts at a very  early age and taught not to allow another person to touch their private parts. They are taught to report anyone who attempts to touch them inappropriately to the Principal or the Director of the School. Any Learner caught or reported to have harassed a fellow learner will be sanctioned severely.


Stealing is a crime in every civilized society and Eastern Heroes International School is no exception. Learners are taught to be content with their lot and not be envious of another’s property. They are also made aware of the presence of CCTV cameras at every corner of the School so they could easily be caught if they steal.
